Tom Atlee: A brief biograpy

Ideas and Focus
Tom Atlee is vice president and research director
of the Co-Intelligence Institute, a nonprofit
organization he founded in 1996. His early co-intelligence research
in the late 1980s focused on the relationship between group dynamics
and collective intelligence.
Beginning in the mid-1990s through the mid-2000s, his focus shifted
to developing society's capacity to function as a
wise democracy. From 2005-2010 he explored possibilities for
the conscious evolution
of social systems, grounded in a sacred
science-based understanding of evolutionary dynamics. During
2011-2015 he focused on public
wisdom, co-intelligent
economics and participatory
sustainability. Seeking more practice-based ways to engage people
around the idea of wise democracy, he is now doing courses and developing
a community of practice around the wise
democracy pattern language. He hopes these intertwined, expanding
explorations can help channel the energies surrounding our 21st
century social and environmental crises into positive possibiities
and system-transforming initiatives.
Tom's social change vision is grounded most deeply
in new understandings of evolving wholeness
which recognize the value of diversity, unity, relationship, context,
uniqueness and the spirit inside each of us and the world. Co-intelligence
is intelligence that arises from
that kind of wholeness. It has collaborative
and collective dimensions,
and intrinsic interconnectedness which we see clearly in wholesome
forms of politics, governance and economics.
Co-intelligence theory also highlights the many
facets of intelligence (like head and heart), wisdom,
and the higher forms of intelligence
(natural and sacred) that move through and beyond us. Although Tom
and the Institute focus on very practical issues of group, social,
political, and economic dynamics, co-intelligence has many esoteric
dimensions as well.
An early theoretician
and advocate of collective intelligence, Tom's inclusive mapping
of the field has been featured in two major books on the subject
- Mark Tovey's Collective
Intelligence: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace (2008)
and Nasreen Taher's Collective
Intelligence: An Introduction (2006).
His work on "wise democracy" features
his coined category of existing forms of "citizen
deliberative councils" which he promotes in his books The
Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World that Works
for All (2003) and Empowering
Public Wisdom: A Practical Vision of Citizen-Led Politics
(2012). He has been a significant theoretician in the field
of dialogue and deliberation, being lead integrator of the Core
Principles of Public Engagement (2009) and a major contributor
to the GroupWorks pattern language
of group process (2008-2012), as well as a steering committee
member of the National Coalition for Dialogue
and Deliberation (2002-2005).
Much of his work features new visions of social
change agentry - from the co-intelligent
activism articulated in his books Participatory
Sustainability,The Tao of Democracy and Reflections
on Evolutionary Activism: Essays, Poems and Prayers from an Emerging
Field of Sacred Social Change (2009), to his co-organizing
of the Evolutionary Salon on Philanthropy
(2006) and the Storyfield
Conference (2007) to his many blog
posts on social issues and action.
In addition to his books,
blogs and websites, Tom has published
extensively in alternative journals and publishes a newsletter
featuring significant articles and websites by other commentators,
as well as his own writings. He has also worked with a number of
other leading authors on their
Background: The 1990s
In the early 1990s Tom did community-building work
in Belize and promoted green alternatives for the Czechoslovakian
Environmental Ministry. He organized an extensive dialogue
on "societal intelligence" with economist Robert
Theobald and other leading thinkers. He co-hosted ongoing
twice-monthly salons of San Francisco Bay Area readers of In
Context [a journal of sustainable culture], Yes! magazine
[a journal of positive futures] and Utne
Reader which met for many years - as well as a regular
weekly meeting of Bohm
Dialogue practitioners from 1991-1993. He was active for six
years in Oakland, CA's Center for Group Learning. From 1989-1994
he edited and published Thinkpeace,
a national journal of peacemaking strategy and philosophy (for which
he had written a regular column for three years prior to becoming
1986: A Watershed
Tom's life was changed by his experiences on The
Great Peace March of 1986 -- an idealistic mobile community
which began its cross-country trek in LA with 1200 people, only
to go bankrupt two weeks later in the Mojave desert. 800 marchers
left and 400 stayed -- with few resources and no formal organization.
Tom was an active participant in the swirl of emerging leadership,
conversation and initiative that resulted in the March soon continuing
as a grassroots bootstrap operation, arriving on schedule in Washington,
DC, eight months later. During that time he had his first vivid
experiences of collective intelligence and self-organizing human
systems. Intense relationship work done at that time further added
to his understanding of human interactions, transformation and community.
During the Peace March Tom and his late partner
Karen Mercer published the official "Peace March Update,"
providing March supporters with news of the March. Tom helped establish
the March's communications center and, as the March came to a close,
organized networking for marchers to work together after the March.
Early Years -- Learning nonviolent social change
Tom was raised in an activist, intellectual, Quaker
family with a socialist economist father and a mother interested
in Eastern spirituality, evolution and social service (she worked
for Planned Parenthood in the 1960s and then the National Council
on Aging). After studying the relationship between mysticism and
modern physics for almost 3 years, he left Antioch College in 1968
to organize draft resistance to the Vietnam War. In 1969 he married
and a year later joined the core group of a large spiritual community
where, in 1976, he and his wife had a daughter, Jennifer, who is
now a green building professional in New England. When he left that
community in 1982 with his family, his concerns about nuclear war
led him back to the peace movement. During the mid-80's he attempted
to build bridges among antagonistic peace groups, began editing
and writing for local peace publications, and ran the peace desk
for the Mondale-Ferrarro presidential campaign in Boston. Around
that time, he also became a student of feminism, holism and the
ecological perspective. These forces, concerns and ideas have shaped
his life ever since, emerging in new forms as his thinking and experience
have evolved.
Tom can be contacted at
What others say about
Tom Atlee's co-intelligence work
An extensive list of Tom Atlee's
published writings, workshops, conferences, etc.
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