Revisions to the Consensus Process page and the posting of Tree Bessen's Consensus Books and Resources.
Fixed up Photos of the Maclean's magazine
Fran Peavey's Strategic Questioning
Seattle - Blow by Blow - by Kelly Quirke, Executive Director of the Rainforest Action Network - a deep inside account of the flexible, creative self-organization of the demonstrators.
Citizen consensus councils - This process design, of which there are a half-dozen existing different models, could be the foundation of a far more co-intelligent democratic order. Citizen consensus councils and direct democracy explores how to integrate the two approaches.
A "scientific" democratic process? [7K] - Is it possible to replicate group wisdom with a different set of participants, just as one replicates experimental results in another laboratory?
Photos of the Maclean's magazine that did the great Canadian experiment with a citizen consensus council.
Re-issued Tom Atlee's September 1999 essay "Some 11th Hour Y2K Thoughts" (with one addition re Nukes) as still valid in December.
"The Two Dynamics of Wholeness" has been revised to Four Dynamics of Wholeness
Co-intelligence thoughts on Seattle WTO demonstrations, including these articles:
Revision to the Wisdom Council page, correcting Jim Rough's site links and adding a description of my own experience in his "dynamic facilitation" workshop.
A New Paradigm Democracy Movement? - [11K] Tom Atlee suggests that many recent democratic innovations could add up to a new holistic political order, if we could just get together and explore how that might be the case. He proposes a set of assumptions to gather around and some steps interested parties could take now.
Self-organizing community networks - a variety of novel neighborhood organizing methods that grew out of Y2K community preparation work.
Great Y2K Resources at Bargain Prices!
Co-Intelligence and the Holistic Politics of Community Self-Organization [35K] describes, from a permaculture perspective, some design principles for self-organizing communities. Includes notes on leadership, co-intelligence, a couple of dozen tools for self-organization and dialogue, the spectrum of politics and the powerful formula REPRESENTATIVE DIVERSITY + CONSENSUS PROCESS = POLITICAL WISDOM.
Feedback loops, resilence, financial systems and Y2K - A commentary by Tom Atlee on The global casino meets the millennium bug by Scott Champion
The "Nudes, Not Nukes" Demonstration with Helen Caldicott and Patch Adams!
Minor revisions to the Y2K WASH (World Atomic Safety Holiday) page - but they have their own official website now. The most important developments are a new set of WASH Sign-On letters to U.S. Y2K/Nuclear Officials and a description of an evolving integrated nuclear safety campaign.
Leon Kappelman's comments on "Countdown to Meltdown" (see Sept 24 posting)
Y2K-vulnerable nuclear power plants
Transformational Politics - [40K] Tom Atlee's first major article on the subject in 1991, revised in Sept 1999, which contains the unique 6-band "Spectrum of Political Engagement" and explores how we might develop the two upper bands, cooperative politics and holistic politics, and what the nature of such "Transitional Politics" might be. A briefer exploration of a similar spectrum can be found in "Transformational Politics (draft outline)" [10K].
*HOT* Toxics Right to Know site (searchable by city) with information from EPA mandated reports
Countdown to Meltdown? (Y2K WASH 9/24 update)
NRC Rejects Y2K Compliance as Standard for 103 U.S. Nuclear Power Reactors
Y2K Nuke De-Alert Legislative Initiatives
Russia Said Skipping Y2k Step On Key Systems
US and Russia agree to establish a Y2K Center (Washington Post)
Russians Ask for Y2K help with Nukes
Info on used nuclear fuel pools
Other useful websites on the Y2K nuclear danger
Nuclear weapons and the millennium bug (The New Internationalist)
Cynthia Beal's "Trajectory - Two Years In"
Ed Yourdon's "The Y2K End Game"
Tom Atlee's "Some 11th Hour Y2K Thoughts"
A totally new Y2K home page "Y2K-Breakthrough New Home Page and Key Resources" (The old home page is now at "Y2K-Breakthrough Home Page (pre-9/99)")
Many revisions to ** The Y2K World Atomic Safety Holiday (WASH) campaign ** including the briefing sheet and demonstration flier. Also: A petition campaign especially designed for email and evidence we need the Y2K World Atomic Safety Holiday (WASH) campaign.
Jumping from the Hot Pot: Notes on Democracy in a Technological Age is a critique of exceedingly risky scientific and technological developments, with suggestions about how co-intelligent political approaches could monitor them to avoid catastrophe. Includes:
Article: What happens when Science Collides with Citizenship at the Speed of Light
Article: Big Bang machine could destroy Earth
Article: Ions in the fire
Dialogue about "What happens when Science Collides with Citizenship"
Letter/article: More on the hot pot and where to jump
Memo: "Nanotechnology: You really want to read this!"
** The Y2K World Atomic Safety Holiday (WASH) campaign - including August 6 Demonstrations **
Nuclear Information and
Resource Services Critiques Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Y2K
Y2K NewsWire Critiques Nuclear
Regulatory Commission
The Accidental Armageddon by Helen Caldicott